About Us
ROSHBARI (translated from Hebrew "healthy head") is an
international social media network of a new type.
It is a new project Space Bikers
the Kingdom of Love - an international association of professionals that carries
out global cultural, humanitarian, and peacekeeping initiatives (2010-2021).
We are founders of International Cake Day (2011), Pink Panther Day (2015), creators of "Breaking the Wall" movie and a new Real Fantasy movie genre, comics "Thieves from Cheryomushki", collective Space Flights (intuitive painting master classes), one of a kind "Sweet News Daily" newspaper, musical food and fashion,
and many more.
Milana Gorenstein, LL.B. (HM Queen Maria II of Jerusalem, Space Biker & founder)
Interview with Ilia Zisman (Russian)
Interview with Michael Bloom (Hebrew)
Let's grow!
The field of information and communication technologies is the most successful, fast-growing industry. If you are interested in supporting a new promising project and become the Angel of the Network, the ROSHBARI social media is the best opportunity!